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Showing posts from December, 2018

The Eisenhower Matrix

The Eisenhower Matrix was formalized and popularized by Business Thinker Stephen Covey in his book “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” based on a quote and life advice from President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Eisenhower, a General famous for his mastery of Operation Torch, the invasion of Northern Africa during World War II and later the approving authority for NASA, understood the importance of prioritization at every level. From commanding troops on the battlefield, to beating the Soviets in space, Eisenhower understood the long and short game and used it to become one of the most successful Presidents in America’s history. “What is important is seldom urgent and what is urgent is seldom important.” It was this quote and Eisenhower’s success that led Covey to present his system for prioritizing tasks without distraction. Below is a simple chart to help you understand the concept, and a few notes from myself as I have implemented this in my own life. Urgent Not Urgent Imp

The Productive Man’s Guide To Journaling

Who Am I and Why Should You Care?     I am a specialist in process analysis and design with a background in automation. After serving six years in a Special Operations military occupational specialty, I brought my skills to the private sector. Since then I have specialized in helping small businesses and charitable organizations with process definition, documentation, and engineering. This skill has helped insure that my clients are able to prioritize and focus costs on what matters most while saving time and money. Optimization is a clear goal for any organization and I strive to help provide that. While serving under the United States Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command, I had the unique opportunity of coordinating and conducting command change inventories. These inventories require line item accountability for all component items down to a single wire. With values running into the millions of dollars, these inventories are long, arduous, and require meti